


- Talk about what happened at the 2009 World Championships?

I went to Los Angeles do some commentary for NBC on the ladies. Once I got there everyone was looking at me like, why are you here. ‘Oh, I am talking for television.’ It was kind of degrading for an athlete that should be at that event to be asked why I was there.

As my flight was landing in LA I heard how the men were doing. Galina was watching the Russian satellite transmission of the event and she said ‘Johnny they miss you. They just keep talking about you. They want you on the TV. I said ‘Galina I want to be on the TV too.’ And then she said, ‘Johnny, the Americans are not doing very well. It looks like we are going to have two spots for Olympics,’ because at that point Brandon and Jeremy were not in a high placement.

And then we were like ‘okay, Evan has to win. Evan has to win or we will have two spots and then it will be like a cat fight next year.’ And then he won and I was like great. Now we have three spots. Evan is the World champion and of course I am jealous about that but I am so happy that the country has the spots that we deserve. We have such a strong group of men that we deserve to have three spots at the Olympic Games.

- 2009年世界選手権でどんなことが起きたかお話していただけますか?

僕はNBCのオンエアで女子シングルの解説をしにロスに行ったんだ。ロスに到着してすぐにみんなが「なんであなたがここにいるの?」って顔して僕を見るんだよ。「え? 僕はテレビで話すんだよ!」って言ったけど。 それって、自分がいる理由を聞かれるイベントに出なきゃならないアスリートを貶めてるようなものだよね。

飛行機がロスに着陸したときに、僕は男子シングルがどうなってるのか聞いたんだ。ガリーナコーチがロシアの衛星放送で放送を見てて、僕にこう言ったよ。「ジョニー、みんなあなたがいないのを寂しがってるわ。みんなあなたのことをずっと話してるのよ。テレビであなたのことを見たがってるわ」 僕は「ガリーナコーチ、僕だってテレビに出たかったよ」と返した。そして彼女が言うには「ジョニー、アメリカ勢は芳しくないのよ。私たち、オリンピックでニ枠しか取れないみたいだわ」って。だって、ブランドンとジェレミーの順位が高くなかったからね。


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