
bjtonline.com(2010/9/15) 2ページ目


The Olympic gold medalist is also an enthusiastic private jet traveler

Did you have a strong feeling going into the Olympics that you could do well?


I knew I could do well because I had trained. I basically sacrificed everything, trained as hard as I possibly could and gave 200 percent every day because I wanted to be able to know that I had not left anything on the table. For me it was about not leaving a single doubt in my head that I could have done one more run-through in my routine or one more weight workout or one more cardio workout. I did everything I could leading up to that moment, and then you have to leave a little bit up to fate. Going into it I wasn't thinking of the placement medal, results, scores–none of that was within my control. All I could control is what I did out on the ice, and for it to go exactly how I wanted it to is still amazing to me. I guess it's just now starting to sink in–the gold medal and hearing my name announced on Dancing with the Stars every week as Olympic champion. And when I toured with Smucker's Stars on Ice, and heard my name announced as Olympic champion every night, it was extremely surreal and something that I hope I'll get used to but I just don't know right now.


Skating must be much harder than you make it look.


It's an extremely difficult and physical sport, as any Olympic sport is, but the difference with skating is we're graded on how well we do each element in the routine. So we're not just trying to execute it–we have to make it look easy. And that requires hundreds of thousands of repetitions of each element of your routine throughout the year to make them such second nature. The first time you try an element you're sore for days because muscle groups are getting such an intense jolt or torque, but as you train your body to be stronger and stronger, to almost turn into a machine, those elements slowly become second nature.


Have you had time since the Olympics to relax?


I did not take one second off. I went straight from Vancouver to the training center for Dancing with the Stars then joined the Smucker's Stars on Ice tour. My only breaks were onboard the aircraft. I get to relax and listen to music, have a nice meal and be with my friends, so I really do cherish that time.

It's important for me to be rested when I arrive because I don't have time to go to a hotel and sleep. Flexjet [Lysacek's official sponsor at the time of this interview] gives me the opportunity to rest but not lose a beat while I'm traveling.



How else is business jet travel helping you?


Because I'm flying privately I don't have to worry about people taking my picture while I'm sleeping and posting it on Twitter, any of those funny things that have happened to me on [airline] flights, and We can do whatever we want because my partner and the production crew travel with me. If we have to get extra training in for our dance, we can do it on board, or if we want to take a nap, we know that we're doing it in private. It makes a huge difference.


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