
Live chat: Skating champ Evan Lysacek ①(2011/2/17)


というわけで(?)現地時間でいう17日朝にUSA todayにて


Live chat: Skating champ Evan Lysacek

Arin Karimian: Good morning readers and thanks for joining our live chat today!

アリーン・カリミアン(以下アリーン): 読者の皆さん、おはようございます。今日は私達のライブチャットに参加してくれてありがとう。

Arin Karimian: Evan will be here in a few minutes and he'll try to answer as many of your questions as he can


Evan Lysacek: Good Morning Arin and USA Today readers. Welcome to our chat.


Arin Karimian: Hey Evan, ready to go?


[Comment From Yumiko]
Hi Evan! What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

こんにちはエヴァン! 今朝は朝食に何を食べたの?


[Comment From Suzie]
Evan, who do you think is going to be the next American man winning a World Medal?


Evan Lysacek: Hi Yumiko. I've had a busy morning. It started with an early call for the Today Show and hasn't stopped. Haven't had time for breakfast yet.

ライサ:やあユミコ! 忙しい朝だったよ。Today showのために朝早い電話からノンストップで一日が始まったんだ。朝食を食べる時間はまだなかったんだよね。

Evan Lysacek: Hello Suzie, It's hard to say who will be the next American contender. Right now, the plate is open for someone to step up to.


[Comment From Capital I]
Are the social networks (as facebook or twitter) good for skaters sharing a bit of their real personalities?

Capital Ⅰさんからのコメント:

Evan Lysacek: Capital I, I think social networking makes athletes more accessible to fans and media. I enjoy it, because it is a good way for me to stay in touch with friends and fans.

Capital Ⅰさん、ソーシャルネットワークはファンやメディアにとってアスリート達を近づきやすくしてくれるものだと思っているよ。僕はそれを楽しんでるんだ。友達やファンのみんなとつながることができる良い方法だからね。

[Comment From Nelly]
I loved you on Dancing with the Stars and would like to see you acting or performing in a Broadway show. Would you consider that?

ダンシング・ウィズ・ザ・スターでのあなたがすっごく好きだった! あなたがブロードウェイのショーで演技したり踊っているのを見たいな。考えてみたことない?

Evan Lysacek: Hi Nelly, I will be so busy in the coming months with Smuckers Stars on Ice tour, but after that I hope to have some time to explore other interests such as acting.


[Comment From Azri]
Your new Tango de Roxanne exhibition program is very different to what you have done before, and very emotional, with an interesting new costume! What character do you see yourself playing in this program?

あなたの新しいEXプログラム「ロクサーヌのタンゴ」は、今までやっていたのとはすごく違うと思うの。とても情感があるし、新しいコスチュームも興味深いわ! このプログラムではあなたはどのキャラクターを自分で演じていると思う?

Evan Lysacek: Thank You Azri, My new tango program is what i'll be performing on Smuckers Stars on Ice. I really enjoy film and sports, and to me, this program combines both. I used the film Moulin Rouge (which is where the song is from) as my inspiration, and then incorporated substance from my education about dance from DWTS.


[Comment From Riel]
If you return to competition next season, what sort of programs would you like to do? Will you be training a quad again? Will there be any more stretchy velvet tuxedos?

もし次のシーズンに競技に戻ってくるとしたら、どんなプログラムをやってみたいと思う? また四回転の練習をするつもりはある? 前より伸縮性のあるベルベットのタキシードで登場するのかな?

Evan Lysacek: Hi Riel, My left foot is finally healed, and I have slowly started to train quads again. If I returned to competition I would put the quad back into my program for sure. I would also continue t stretch my comfort zone, but I like to stick to the classics when it comes to music. There is something so beautiful and a little bit eerie about the sounds of a huge classical piece echoing through the arena. It's one of the things I love about skating.


[Comment From Len Zri]
What are your thoughts on some of the new Junior men who made a big splash at nationals, like Dornbush, Miner, and Jason Brown?

Len Zriさんからのコメント:

Evan Lysacek: Hello Len Zri, Nationals was interesting. Congratulations to those who had success this year. I look forward to seeing how they do on the international scene.

Len Zriさん、こんにちは。全米は面白かったね。今年うまくいったみんなにお祝いを言うよ。僕は彼らが国際舞台でどこまでやれるか見るのを楽しみにしているよ。

[Comment From Mary Crispin]
Good morning Evan!! Saw you on the Today Show!! Great to see 3 generations of US skating greats together. My question(s): You've said you are NOT a morning person. Has that changed with all the early morning media events of the past year? Also, do you still set your alarm clock on the "odd" minutes - or was that just for training?

おはよう、エヴァン! Today showを見たわよ!アメリカのスケートの3世代の偉人を見られて嬉しかったわ。私の質問は、『以前あなたは朝型人間ではないって言ってたけど、ここ一年の早朝のメディア関係のイベント全部によってそれは変わった? それと、あなたはまだ目覚まし時計を『半端な』時間でセットしている? あるいは、そうしていたのは単に練習のためだった?』ってことなんだけど。

Evan Lysacek: Thank You Mary, I am still not a morning person, however, now I have to be. So many of my days continue beyond 24 hours, though, and my late nights become early mornings. If i do set an alarm, it is always set on an odd number. :)


[Comment From Connie]
Do you remember what the last words of advice Frank gave you as you took the ice for your long program in Vancouver? P.S. Happy "golden" anniversary!

バンクーバーのフリーへ向けて氷上へ行くとき、フランクコーチがくれたアドバイスの最後の言葉は覚えている? 追伸:金メダル記念日おめでとう!

Evan Lysacek: Thank You Connie. Frank is such a master of words. He understands psychology very much and knows just what to say to get the best performance out of a skater. In Vancouver, he was telling me this is my moment. For one performance the whole World has stopped and is watching me and I am not skating for myself, I am skating for my country. He told me to stand up and fight for them and do not give up a single step. That level of responsibility led me to fight harder than I ever have before.


[Comment From Carley Bolea]
Considering the new rules for scoring quads, do you think they are going to really be important for the next Olympics in 2014?

Carley Boleaさんからのコメント:

Evan Lysacek: Good Question Carley. They have adjusted the value of a few elements this year, the quad being one of them, but, the quad is still not the deciding factor for a lot of the events I've seen. To answer your question, I think the quad will have the exact same level of importance in Sochi as it did in Vancouver.


[Comment From Heather Abbott]
Hi Evan. Can we expect to see you in any of the SOI group numbers this year and will you surprise us with any pairs tricks?

こんにちはエヴァン。今年のSOIのグループナンバーのどれかであなたを見られるのを期待してもいいかな? あるいは何かペアの技をやったりして驚かせてくれるの?

Evan Lysacek: Hello Heather, I am in two of the Stars on Ice group numbers. One is called Rock-a-Billy, which we performed a couple weeks ago on the Today Show. The other is a new number, which due to my hectic schedule I will learning tomorrow morning before we open the show in San Jose. Hope I can remember it all. The excitement of live shows!!!

こんにちは、ヘザー。スターズオンアイスのグループナンバーでは2つに参加するよ。一つはロカビリーって呼ばれるやつで、2,3週間前にToday showで僕らが披露したものだよ。もう一つは新しいナンバーなんだけど、僕のてんやわんやのスケジュールのせいで、明日の朝サンノゼでショーが始まる前に練習してると思う。全部思い出せればいいんだけどね。生のショーの興奮そのものだよ!

[Comment From Anna]
What has being involved with RISE meant to you?


Evan Lysacek: Being involved with Rise has been so educational. I have learned so much about the tragic event of Feb 15, 1961. It is still so painful for so many people in skating to talk about, my coach being one of them, that I don't feel it's brought up enough. The film is a way to tell people the story of dreams that were, for a moment, lost... but then later fulfilled by so many great Champions of US Figure Skating. That's one way the victims legacy lives on. I also learned a lot about my coach through the film. He is very private person, much like me, and he never spoke about the crash with me and what he went through to rebuild after that. I now see why him winning Gold in Vancouver was an even bigger deal than i knew.


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