
Dancing: Evan Lysacek Steps out of His Comfort Zone — and into the Tanning Booth! (2010/4/27)


Dancing: Evan Lysacek Steps out of His Comfort Zone — and into the Tanning Booth!

Hi everyone. I’m writing my first-ever post-performance show blog. As you saw from last night’s show, we all had a long week learning two dances. I decided to wait until after Monday’s show to reflect on things.

やあ、みんな! 僕は今回初めてパフォーマンスショーの後のブログを書いているよ。昨日の夜の番組で見たように、僕たちはみんな二つのダンスを学ぶのに長い一週間を過ごしたんだ。物事をじっくり検討するために、月曜日のショーの後まで(ブログを書くのを)待つことに決めたよ。

First off, a few folks were asking me about Kate’s departure last Tuesday. Was I glad to see her go? Absolutely not! In fact, it was a little out of sorts for us all last night. She was such a sweetheart and so funny. None of us have done this before. We all get a little nervous and a little self-conscious. I have performed in front of live audiences for most of my life, and I still know that when I’m doing something that’s uncomfortable for me, I get an uneasy feeling in my gut. I said something to her last week before Anna and I did the rumba and Kate was like, “Evan, are you kidding me? You’re amazing. You’re great!” I can’t tell you how much her nurturing meant. We missed her last night. But I know she was watching us and rooting us on from afar.

最初に、何人か親しい人たちから先週火曜のケイトの離脱について聞かれたんだ。彼女が行ってしまうのを見るのは嬉しかったかって?絶対に違うよ! 実際、その夜は僕たちは少し元気がなくなってしまった。彼女はとても優しい人だったし、すごく面白かったんだ。僕たちの誰も、以前にあんなふうにやったことはなかった。僕らはみんな神経質になっていて、少しあがっていた。僕は人生の大部分で生の観客の前で演じたことがあるから、何かをしているときは居心地がよくないとわかっていて、自分の勘で不安感を覚えてしまう。先週、アンナと僕がルンバをやる前にケイトに何かを言ったら、彼女はこんな感じだった。「エヴァン、冗談でしょう? あんたたちは素晴らしいわ。最高なのよ!」って。彼女の面倒見がどれほどありがたかったか、言葉では表すことができないよ!昨晩、僕たちは彼女がいないのを寂しく思った。だけど彼女が僕たちを見てくれて、遠くから応援してくれてるってわかってるよ!

Last night, I did a few things that took me outside of my comfort zone.


The Latin dances don’t feel natural to me at all. When I perform them, I have to really focus on my hip movement. It’s just so different from how I have been trained as a skater. All week Anna and I really worked on the flavor of the samba. For the judges to say we didn’t have that was a little disappointing. All I can tell you is that from where we started to where we finished last night was an accomplishment I’m very proud of.


In addition to the hip movement, the other ‘things’ that were different for me were baring my chest and getting a fake tan. My costume was not supposed to show that much skin! I’m not shy but I am a conservative person, so it was not the most comfortable thing for me to show so much of my chest. The shirt was supposed to be more of a V-neckline where the points would come together right below my pectoral muscles. The costume department tried a couple of times to tack the material together, and each time it came apart. So I just decided to go with it. I am of Greek and Italian descent, so my skin tone is dark to begin with, but I was encouraged to try the spray tan because it looks good on television.


Well, I’m not a fan of the spray tan. It has too much of a chemical smell for my liking. Instead, I went to this place called UVA Sun. I told them I need to get just a little bit darker and they said ‘Okay, we’ll put you in the bed for six minutes and that will be just right to give you a little glow.’ Six minutes made me look like I had been in the sun for ten hours. Oh well, I just had to roll with it!

だけど、僕は日焼けスプレーのファンでは全然なかったんだ。好きになるには薬品の匂いが強すぎる。代わりにUVA Sunって呼ばれているところに行ったよ。彼ら(スタッフ)に僕はちょっとだけ色黒にならなきゃいけないと告げたら、「いいですよ。あなたを6分間ベッドに寝かせたら、頃合の日焼けにしてあげましょう」って言ってくれた。その6分間で、僕は10時間太陽の下にいたような状態になったよ。仕方が無いけど、これを受け入れるしかなかった!

You all saw that I injured my head and neck while practicing for last night’s swing dance marathon. I want to assure you that I’m feeling much better each day. I still have a little bit of soreness in my neck, but my headache seems to be dissipating. I’m just hoping Anna and I are back next week to tackle yet another dance.


Speaking from an observer’s standpoint, I think everyone really did well last night. To see the improvement that everyone has made across the board made me extremely proud to be a part of one of the most exciting casts in Dancing with the Stars history. I was so excited to see how Niecy and Chad and Jake all upped their game. I know I’ve said this before, but really, nobody wants to go home . . . [but] that’s the nature of the show. And at this stage of the competition, it will only get more and more emotional as the weeks count down to the finale.


Thank you all for your continued support. It means the world to us! Until next week…–Evan Lysacek

みんな、継続したサポートをどうもありがとう。僕たちにとってかけがえのないものだよ! それじゃ、来週まで・・・ - エヴァン・ライサチェック

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