Evan Lysacek’s DWTS Blog: It’s Time to Tango!
Last week’s quickstep was so much fun! But after surviving Tuesday night’s elimination (We’ll miss you, Buzz!), it was time for Anna and me move on to our next dance: the tango.
先週のクイックステップはすごく楽しかったよ! だけど火曜の選考を生き残った後は(バズがいなくて寂しくなるよ!)、アンナと僕が次のダンスのタンゴに取り掛かる時間だった。
After last week’s performance, my left foot was a little tender. I’m glad to say that the tango is a bit kinder to my broken toes. I’m really enjoying this dance a lot. Our version has more of a fun twist to it than a classic tango. Anna and I get to have a great time with it. We also have some great music to accompany us, which is a little nod to our fellow cast mate Nicole Scherzinger. Yes, we are doing the tango to The Pussycat Dolls’ “Wait A Minute.”
先週の演技の後、僕の左足は少しだけ触ると痛くなっていた。タンゴは僕の骨折したつま先にはちょっとだけ優しいって言えるのが嬉しいよ。僕はこのダンスをとても楽しんでいるところだ。クラシックタンゴよりも、僕たちのバージョンはもっと楽しい仕掛けがある。アンナと僕はそれで素晴らしい時間を過ごせているんだ。伴奏も素敵な音楽で、それは僕らのキャスト仲間のニコール・シャージンガーも少し認めてくれてる。そう、僕らはプッシーキャット・ドールズ(訳注:シャージンガーはこのグループのメンバー)の「Wait a minute」でタンゴをやっているんだ!
As I mentioned, Anna and I are traveling every week so that I can perform with the Stars on Ice skating tour. We hit the road on Wednesday and started rehearsing our tango, but sadly, Anna got a little bit under the weather and we both were exhausted, so this week was a little bit tough. But we managed to get through it by getting as much rest as possible, and making sure we put in quality rehearsal time along the way. We got back to Los Angeles on Sunday, in time to do the camera blocking with our routine and get home early enough to have a good dinner and get a good night’s rest before Monday’s show.
Even though the show doesn’t go live to the East Coast until 8 p.m., the ballroom begins buzzing as early as 8 a.m. The women usually get to the studio on the earlier side to get their hair and makeup done. Because we’re not in L.A. during the week, Anna and I get to the studio around 10 a.m. and go directly to the wardrobe department to try on our costumes. Most couples have their final fittings over the weekend, but ours is done on Monday morning. The show’s amazing costumers, who are used to doing things on the fly, make the necessary adjustments to our outfits while we do a music check. That’s when we perform our routine with the show’s live band.
After that, we take a break and have a bit of lunch before hitting the full dress rehearsal with the cast. That’s when we all run through the entire show from top to bottom. We then have about one hour, generally from 3:30 until 4:30 in the afternoon, to relax in our trailers, listen to music, or go over our routines one last time. A lot of times the cast will visit with friends and family, and each other. I know I’ve mentioned before that we’re a pretty tight group, so during the final 30 minutes before we hit the air, we go around and wish each other good luck.
This week the show will implement a brand new double scoring system. After each couple performs — this week’s dances are the rumba and the tango — the judges will give two sets of scores. The first score will be for technical merit, and the second score will be for the performance. It’s kind of similar to how skating used to be scored several years ago when we had a technical score and an artistic score.
I think all of us on the cast are excited about the new scoring system. It adds a new twist to the show and it’s a great opportunity to measure where we all are from a technical standpoint and a performance standpoint. Anna and I split our time this week working on the technical elements of our tango, and then on the performance.
As excited as Anna and I are to perform, we’re also excited to seeing how everybody else does. Because of our travel schedule, we didn’t get to see the other couple’s routines this week in rehearsals. So, as much as I’m a competitor and can’t wait the hit the floor, the fan inside of me is very much looking forward to being a spectator Monday night.
Please tune and enjoy all of the routines we’ve all worked so hard to perfect! But most of all, please don’t forget to vote for your favorites. There are nine couples left in the competition, and I can tell you that nobody wants to go home. –Evan Lysacek
どうかチャンネルを合わせて、僕たちみんなが完璧にやるために一生懸命練習してきたダンスを全部楽しんでね! だけど何より、お気に入りのチームに投票するのを忘れないで! この試合には残った9組がいるけれど、誰も家に帰りたくはない(=落選したくない)ってことは言えるかな。 - エヴァン・ライサチェック

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